Joint Aspirate

Joint aspiration

Joint aspiration findings can help narrow the differential diagnosis of joint pain. A synovial fluid leukocyte count of less than 2,000 cells/mL is seen in patients with noninflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis. Leukocyte counts between 2,000 and 75,000 cells/mL are seen in inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Counts above 100,000 cells/mL suggest infectious arthritis.

**Normal ** Noninflammatory (eg, OA) Inflammatory (eg, crystals, RA) Septic joint
Appearance Clear Clear Translucent or Opaque Opaque
**WBCs **(mm3) <200 200-2,000 2,000-100,000 50,000-150,000
PMNs <25% 25% Often >50% >80%-90%